The Variance Board of the Town of Santa Clara, County of Franklin, State of New York, will
hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 3rd, 2025, at 6:00 PM at the Santa Clara Town
Hall, Route 30, Saranac Inn, New York, to hear comments on the following application:
Application of David Weber would require a variance for the replacement of a dock and
sundeck that exceeds 15% of the shoreline frontage.
This variance would be on the applicant’s property at 815 Bartlett Carry Rd, Tupper Lake,
NY 12986, Town of Santa Clara, Franklin County, New York, Tax Map 463.3-26.
The proposed variance is:
The shoreline width of the property is 85 ft. The length of the proposed dock and open
sided sun deck (boathouse) is 28 ft, which is 33% of the shoreline. Section 7.35 of the
Santa Clara Land Use Code states that the total width of any structures along the
shoreline does not exceed 15% of the width of the shoreline.
The variance application of David Weber is available for public review and inspection at
the office of the Santa Clara Town Clerk, Santa Clara Town Hall, 5367 State Route 30,
Saranac Inn, NY, during the Clerk’s business hours. Contact the Clerk at 518-354-8477 or
by e-mail at [email protected] for information about the Clerk’s office hours.
Arrangements to review the application can also be made by contacting the Chairperson of
the Variance Board, Nancy LaBombard, at 518-891-5203.
Anyone wishing to comment on the variance application may do so, either personally or by
authorizing a representative to comment. Comments can be made verbally at the Public
Hearing. Comments may also be submitted in writing, either at the Public Hearing or via
United States mail addressed to: Variance Board Chairperson– Town of Santa Clara, Nancy La
Bombard, 41 Kimpton Rd., Saranac Lake, NY 12983. Comments submitted by U.S. Mail must be
received by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025.
Nancy LaBombard
Publish: March 26, 2025